Clear Your Storm Drains - Help local drainage by clearing storm grates of snow and debris.
* Check Your Sump Pump - Ensure your sump pump is working properly by pouring water into the pit. Test backup sump pump batteries. Verify that the sump pump discharge pipe outside of your home is not frozen, clogged, or blocked in any way. If you have a backup sump pump, make sure it is readily available if it becomes necessary to do a quick replacement due to failure.
* Inspect the Interior and Exterior of Your Home - Check to make sure your gutters and downspout extension pipes are free of snow, ice, and any other objects. Remove any snow, ice, and debris. Move snow on the ground away from your home and provide a clear drainage path.
* Protect Personal Belongings - Due to the high winds, bring items inside from outdoors, or tie them down (such as patio furniture). Also, protect items in the basement or crawlspace from water damage by elevating them off the floor or moving them upstairs.